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Sharing Intimate Photos Without Consent Can Get You in A LOT of Trouble

KPA Lawyers – February 18, 2015 Information in today’s digital age travels at unprecedented speed, connecting us through digital devices across time and space. Digital technologies and their practices have become so ubiquitous that we often take for granted how intimately immersed we are in this information landscape. We never have to miss a beat: […]

Man charged with fraud for selling iPhone boxes filled with rice

Someone may have outdone Apple when it comes to wrapping relatively useless products in pretty packaging. Police in Toronto are looking for more victims after a man was charged with fraud for allegedly selling an iPhone box filled with rice, instead of a phone, to people on the online classifieds website Kijiji. Police say two […]

How People Rating App Could Create More Defamation Lawsuits

KPA Lawyers – March 6, 2016 Last September, CBC news announced that a Calgary based company, Peeple, had developed an app that allows users to rate human beings like restaurants. Internet outrage caused Peeple to shut down their social media accounts the following month. Earlier this week, it was announced that the Peeple app would […]

5 Job Application Tips for Summer Law Students

Earning a summer student job or articling placement at a law firm is competitive in Toronto and the surrounding areas. It’s not uncommon for firms to receive hundreds of applicants for relatively few positions. Given the competition for jobs, some students may be satisfied simply being able to work in a law firm during their […]

How to Win in Small Claims Court Without a Lawyer

KPA Lawyers – February 14, 2016 Lawyers are an expensive bunch. So what do you do if that contractor you hired runs away with your money, or someone files a frivolous lawsuit against you? The answer depends on the amount of money in question. If you’re involved in a lawsuit where someone is claiming more […]

Ontario court orders Orangeville contractor to pay $10,733 for botched construction job

KPA Lawyers – August 19, 2016 KPA Lawyers is actively searching for the debtor described in this article. If you have information about this individual, please contact us at The Orangeville Small Claims Court ordered Taylor Wyatt Williams (pictured) of Northernway Landscaping to pay $10,733.00 in damages and legal costs to a Brampton family […]

How To Access Money (Spousal Support and/or Child Support)

KPA Lawyers – March 27, 2017 Before understanding how to access money (spousal support and/or child support) from your partner during separation, it is important to have a clear understanding of how separation is legally defined and when it occurs. What is Separation? Many people who are going through the process of separating from their […]

Man Ordered to Return $19,656 for Unlawfully Withholding Trust Money

KPA Lawyers – October 17, 2016 The Divisional Court has upheld a decision by a Toronto Small Claims Court Judge, who ordered Abdulkadir Elmi Mohamed (also known as Abdul Mohamed), to pay $19,656 plus costs to Amal Ahmed. The plaintiff, Amal Ahmed (“Plaintiff”) is the daughter of the appellant Amina Ibrahim (“Amina”). The appellant, named […]

HRTO Dismisses Request for Reconsideration in Sexual Harassment Case

KPA Lawyers – May 12, 2017 On June 16, 2014, Safari Anderson filed an Application under s. 34 of the Human Rights Code, which alleged that Giuseppe Alessandro, who owned Law Help Ltd., subjected her to sexual harassment, sexual advances and solicitations, and reprisal in the workplace, which resulted in her resigning from her job. […]