What to do when someone who owes you money files for bankruptcy in Canada

KPA Lawyers – August 20, 2017 Bankruptcy is a process governed by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA). Any insolvent person who has no other way to meet his or her financial obligations may file for bankruptcy, unless they have not been discharged from a previous bankruptcy. In a bankruptcy, people or companies (“debtor”) who […]

Can I sue for invasion of privacy in Ontario?

https://youtu.be/tYCoxHL91UI The short answer is yes. But there’s some things you should keep mind before you consider legal action. First, your right to privacy will be different depending on the situation. For example, in health care, persons who are health information custodians are held to a very high standard by the Privacy Health Information Protection […]

Court orders Mississauga man to pay $16k to banquet hall after failing to pay for wedding

KPA Lawyers – July 3, 2018 KPA Lawyers is actively searching for the debtor described in this article. If you have information about this individual, please contact us at info@kpalawyers.ca. The Brampton Small Claims Court ordered Akmal Chaudhry (pictured) of Mississauga to pay $16,514.36 in damages and legal costs to a Mississauga banquet hall after […]

I worked for a client and they won’t pay me, now what?

Dealing with unpaid invoices for your business can be a headache. Many businesses in Ontario lose vast sums of revenue because of delinquent accounts and customers who fail to pay for goods and services that they received. Unpaid invoices are an inconvenience for large businesses, and can be critically harmful to small business owners. We’ve […]

11 Things you should consider if you don’t have a Will

Many people believe that if they die without a Will, the law will ensure that their assets go to their loved ones. However, the rules dealing with how assets are distributed where a person has no Will are often not what you would hope they are. Many people also believe that if they do not […]

Court orders Hamilton area man to pay almost $12,000

KPA Lawyers – September 4, 2018   Faqir Ali (pictured) KPA Lawyers is actively searching for the debtor described in this article. If you have information about this individual, please contact us at info@kpalawyers.ca. On September 4th, 2018, the Hamilton Small Claims Court ordered Faqir Muhammad Ali of Mississauga (date of birth: January 17th, 1958) […]

Can you sue for defamation on Facebook or Twitter in Ontario?

As the old saying goes, “a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes”, commonly misattributed to Mark Twain. It turns out the quote is more likely a modern paraphrasing of a line published hundreds of years ago by the satirist Jonathan Swift. But neither of these […]

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