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Jacob Murad
Company KPA Lawyers
Address 4 Robert Speck Parkway, Suite 1620, Mississauga, ON
Land Phone 905-965-6263
Location Canada, Ontario, GTA West
Zip Code L4Z 1S1

Jacob Murad

B.A., J.D., LL.M.

Jacob Murad is the president of KPA Lawyers, a full-service law firm in Mississauga, Ontario, as well as the managing partner and general counsel to BlueStar Equity, a private equity family office in Toronto.  He has served as general counsel and director for a large number of private companies throughout Canada and was responsible for the negotiation of over 30 complex mergers and acquisitions transactions in excess of $150M in value, restructuring transactions, and all other aspects of corporate law.

He graduated top of his class from Western Michigan Law School, and received his Masters of Laws from UofT. Jacob is a member of the Law Society of Ontario’s Coach and Mentor Roster.

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