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What is a “Minute Book” and why do you need one in Ontario?

If your business is incorporated, you’ve probably heard of a “minute book”. But what is a minute book specifically, and why do you need one? If you have any questions about minute books, incorporation papers, or how KPA Lawyers can assist you, please contact us. So what is it? In essence, a corporate minute book […]

What is an Affidavit of Documents in Ontario? If you’ve been watching our video, “How do Civil Lawsuits Work in Ontario”, then you might have heard of the term, “Affidavit of Documents”. Although that phrase sounds like a confusing legal term, the concept of an Affidavit of Documents is fairly straightforward. Plaintiffs and Defendants must ensure that they are both aware of […]

What to do if you have received a Statement of Claim in Ontario.

What is it? If you have received (been “served” with) a Statement of Claim, you should contact a lawyer immediately. A Statement of Claim is a document, known as an “originating process” that commences a lawsuit in Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice. It is not used in Small Claims Court (the equivalent document in Small […]

School Fun Day

We hosted our fifth annual School Fun Day last week Wednesday, and it was such a fun time with our students’ families and friends. Want to join the Stratford family?

Mission Statement

Ever since Stratford first opened its doors, our mission has been to provide the absolute best learning environment, coupled with educators who care and who are amongst the most highly qualified in their field. We equip your children for their chosen field of study and careers with lifelong learning skills. Want to join the Stratford […]