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How does the estate administration process work in Ontario?

The death of a loved one is a difficult time for families and friends. In addition to grieving, families must also deal with the legal and financial matters related to the deceased person’s estate. Estate administration refers to the process of distributing the deceased person’s assets and paying their debts and taxes. In Ontario, Canada, […]

What to consider when starting a new business in Ontario

Starting a new business in Ontario involves navigating a complex web of legal regulations and requirements. As an entrepreneur, it is important to be aware of these legal considerations in order to ensure the success and longevity of your venture. In this article, we will discuss some of the most important legal issues that you […]

What are my rights when I’m fired from my job in Ontario?

This is the kind of question that entire textbooks can (and have) been written about. Even an entire year of law school would just barely be enough to cover the wide variety of legal issues that can come up in the vast topic of employment law in Ontario. But it is still possible to understand […]

How do commercial lease agreements work in Ontario?

Tenancies come in two varieties: residential and commercial. As a result, there are various institutions and laws that deal with every aspect of renting. The person who rents out a piece of property is referred to as the lessee or tenant, and the owner is referred to as the lessor or landlord. Leasing could be: […]

How do I dissolve my corporation in Ontario?

In Ontario, Canada, dissolving a corporation can be a challenging procedure. It’s critical to comprehend the procedures and requirements needed to dissolve a company legally. For instance, in Canada in 2020, 12,821 corporations were dissolved. What’s the process? Even though an Ontario-based corporation may stop doing business and become inactive, the Articles of Incorporation are […]

What is a “Minute Book” and why do you need one in Ontario?

If your business is incorporated, you’ve probably heard of a “minute book”. But what is a minute book specifically, and why do you need one? If you have any questions about minute books, incorporation papers, or how KPA Lawyers can assist you, please contact us. So what is it? In essence, a corporate minute book […]

Buyer who backed out of real estate deal loses appeal in Ontario

KPA Lawyers did not represent any of the parties in this case. This article is published for educational purposes only. Here is a link to the full case: Nguyen v. Zaza, 2023 ONCA 34 (CanLII) In a falling real estate market, it’s natural to see some buyers backing out of real estate deals, despite being […]

What is an Affidavit of Documents in Ontario? If you’ve been watching our video, “How do Civil Lawsuits Work in Ontario”, then you might have heard of the term, “Affidavit of Documents”. Although that phrase sounds like a confusing legal term, the concept of an Affidavit of Documents is fairly straightforward. Plaintiffs and Defendants must ensure that they are both aware of […]

What to do if you have received a Statement of Claim in Ontario.

What is it? If you have received (been “served” with) a Statement of Claim, you should contact a lawyer immediately. A Statement of Claim is a document, known as an “originating process” that commences a lawsuit in Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice. It is not used in Small Claims Court (the equivalent document in Small […]